STARJOB Ingegnere - Starblock - Antifurto Auto


Perito/ingegnere meccanico

Per azienda di Bari che progetta e produce sistemi di sicurezza per auto, si ricerca un perito o ingegnere meccanico con esperienza per inserimento a lungo termine

Si occuperà di:

  • Progettazione e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti;
  • Progettazione meccanica di componenti meccanici e meccatronici;
  • Studio di nuove soluzioni con contatto diretto con la produzione;
  • Studio ed analisi di prototipi tramite produzione di componenti per prototipazione rapida;
  • Esecuzione e disegni tecnici;
  • Interfaccia diretta con i fornitori;
  • Gestione autonoma dei progetti assegnati


  • Diploma perito meccanico o Laurea ingegneria meccanica
  • Esperienza di oltre 5 anni nella progettazione meccanica di componenti meccaniche
  • Uso di Solidworks/Solid Edge
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata

Luogo di lavoro: Modugno (BA)
Orari: Full-time

Tipo di contratto: selezione finalizzata ad inserimento a lungo termine


  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    upload your CV in pdf format
  • The Company Automotive srl ("Company") hereby informs you that the processing of your personal data, carried out through the website ("Site") or collected by means of this contact form ("Form"), is carried out in compliance with the applicable Privacy Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation") and the Privacy Policy of the Site. Data Controller and DPO The Data Controller is Automotive srl with registered office in SS 96 - Strada Vicinale Lamarossa snc 70026 Modugno (Ba) - Italy ("Data Controller"). The Data Protection Officer ("DPO") can be contacted at the following address: 2. What data we process With your consent, we process the personal, common and sensitive data that you provide through the Form. This data includes, in particular, general information, contact details, professional areas of interest, employment status, possible membership of protected categories, information relating to your professional expectations, information relating to your training, skills and work experience, your Curriculum Vitae and any further information that you may provide us with as well as any further data that the Data Controller may acquire, including from third parties, in the course of its activities ("Data"). In order for us to be able to evaluate your application sent via the Form, it is necessary that you consent to the processing of the data entered and provide at least the information marked with an asterisk (*). Without the mandatory data or consent, we will not be able to proceed. Conversely, the information requested in the fields not marked with an asterisk is optional: if you decide not to provide it, there will be no consequences. In any case, the Data Controller may process, even without your prior consent, your Data in order to comply with legal obligations, regulations and Community legislation, to exercise your rights in court, to pursue your legitimate interests and for all the cases provided for by Articles 6 and 9 of the Regulations, where applicable. Processing is carried out by both computerised and paper-based means, applying the security measures provided for by current legislation. 3. Why we process your Data and how Data are processed for the sole purpose of evaluating the applications received for the establishment of a possible employment and/or collaboration relationship with the Company pursuant to Articles 6.1.(a), 9.2.(a) and 9.2.(b) of the Regulation. By ticking the appropriate box you consent to the processing for the aforementioned purposes. (c) of the Regulations), to carry out statistics on the use of the Site and to guarantee its functionality (art. 6.1.(f) of the Regulations), to implement the Code of Conduct of the Company Automotive srl and to defend your rights in court (art. 6.1.(f) and 9.2.(f) of the Regulations). Personal data are entered into the company information system in full compliance with the applicable privacy regulations, including security and confidentiality profiles and inspired by the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency of processing. The data will be kept and stored for two years for the purpose of assessing the application received for possible employment and/or collaboration with the Company, after which they will be destroyed. In exceptional cases (e.g. in the case of positions that have not yet been closed, positions that will be reopened shortly, etc.), however, it is possible to keep the data for longer periods and in any case no longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. All user data are also processed using paper and automated tools that are in any case suitable to guarantee security and confidentiality. 4. Who can access the Data The Data are accessible to the Owner's staff authorised to process them, and in particular to staff belonging to the Human Resources categories, to the functions involved in your employment, to administrative staff, to IT technicians, and to other subjects who need to process them in the performance of their duties. Data may be disclosed, also in non-EU countries ("Third Countries"), to: (i) institutions, authorities, public bodies for their institutional purposes; (ii) professionals, self-employed collaborators, also in associated form; third parties and suppliers used by the Data Controller to provide services of a commercial, professional and technical nature functional to the management of the Site and related functions (e.g. suppliers of IT services and Cloud Computing), to the pursuit of the purposes specified above and the services requested by you; (iii) third parties in the event of mergers, acquisitions, sale of a company or business unit, audits or other extraordinary transactions; (iv) the company's Supervisory Body, domiciled at the Data Controller's premises, for the pursuit of its supervisory activities and the application of the Code of Conduct of Società Automotive srl. I. The Data may also be communicated to legitimate recipients pursuant to law or regulation. With the exception of the above, the Data shall not be shared with third parties, natural or legal persons, who do not perform any commercial, professional or technical function for the Data Controller, and shall not be disclosed. The subjects receiving the Data shall process them as Data Controllers, Data Processors or Data Authorised Persons, as the case may be, for the purposes indicated above and in compliance with the applicable Privacy Law. With regard to the possible transfer of Data to third countries, including countries that may not guarantee the same level of protection provided by the applicable Privacy Law, the Data Controller informs you that the processing will be carried out in any case according to one of the methods allowed by the Regulation, such as, for example, your consent, the adoption of Standard Clauses approved by the European Commission, the selection of subjects adhering to international programmes for the free circulation of data (e.g. EU-USA Privacy Shield) or operating in countries considered safe by the European Commission. 5. Your Rights By contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated above you may, at any time, exercise the rights recognised by Articles 15-22. of the Regulation, such as to know the updated list of the subjects who can access your Data, to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, to verify their content, origin, exactitude, location (also with reference to possible third countries), to ask for a copy, to ask for their rectification and, in the cases provided for by the law in force, the limitation of their processing, cancellation, opposition to direct contact activities (also limited to certain means of communication). Similarly, you may always report observations on specific uses of your data that are deemed incorrect or not justified by the existing relationship to the DPO or lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. You may revoke your consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the revocation of your consent.
    Having read the privacy policy, I consent, in accordance with Articles 6.1.a and 9.2.a of the Regulation, to the processing of the personal data, both common and sensitive, that I have entered in the Form, in order to allow the evaluation of my application.
  • Privacy Policy